Abidin, Muh. Zaenal (2008)
The objectives of the study are to classify and describe the varieties of English conditional sentence and to identify and describe the types of translation which are found in the novel The Bridges of Madison County into Jembatan Madison County. The writer takes English conditional sentences and their translations in Indonesia conditional sentences found in the Robert James Waller’s novel The Bridges of Madison County. The data found are 52 containing 32 data of ECS type I. The ECS type I contains 3 patterns: If + Present + Future, 3 data; If + Present + Modals, 5 data; If + Present, 24 data. The ECS type II contains 3 patterns: If + Past + Past, 11 data; If + Past + Past Conditional, 6 data; If + Past Perfect + Past Conditional, 2 data. The ECS type III contains 1 pattern: If + Past Perfect + Past Perfect Conditional, 1 data. The writer also found word-for-word translation, 3 data, literal translation, 49 data. The source of data is all conditional sentences that are used in the novel The Bridges of Madison County and its translation Jembatan Madison County. The results of the research show that there are three structures in English conditional sentence type I, if + Present + Future, if + Present + Modals, if + Present + Present and type II, if + Past + Past, if + Past + Past Conditional, if + Past Perfect + Past Conditional and one structure in English conditional sentence in type III, if + Past Perfect + Past Perfect Conditional. The meanings from the data are seandainya, kalau, jika, bila, and untranslated. There are 2 types of translation of English conditional sentence found in this research, word-for-word translation and free translation.
A. Background of the Study
Language is not only about a means of transferring information and
communicating with other people, but also about main ting and establishing
those relationships, making integration and social adoption and social control,
and expressing oneself. Considering that statement, the language which is
proper and used by more than 75 % people in this world is English, in which a
lot of people speak using that language and in which amount of information
and new technology are written and transferred in English. It shows that
English is a crucial language. Hence, there are still more people who do not
fluent in English, ether active or passive, and it brings some other people to
translate it into other languages, based on the customers or readers in many
Abdellah (2004: 1) states that the proper communication is if the
hearer or reader gets the messages completely same as the speaker or writer
intended in mind. It will be difficult if it is applied on translation, because the
translator should read and understand the writer’s message, afterwards,
transmits it to the audience who may be totally different from the readership
the original writer had in mind. Dealing with translation, it means that how to
transfer the message from Source Language (SL) into Target Language (TL),
which is understanda ble by the Target Reader without ever changing the
original message. Translation is more likely recreation, which delivers the
writer’s though and idea from the SL and the Title. Therefore, the translator
should be able to write, speak, know, and understand enough about the
nuances of other language as fluent as the natives and familiar and master the
sericulture background of both languages. Ramous (2004: 5) say that “ And
the more familiar is the translator with the style of a writer, the better the
trans lation will be”. Therefore, a translator must be able to deliver, transform,
and express the writer’s though and ideas or message from SL into TL
accurately and acceptable.
In Indonesia, the translation it self develops very well. Many books
have already been translated such as poems, prose, novels, and books of selfindent
and self-development. Not only do the translators translate the
technology books, but also literary works. Those translations of technology
books, scientific books, and literary works spread widely and make a
satisfactory progress in translation subject. Those translations of technology
books, scientific books, and literary works prove that translation in Indonesia
is growing increasingly, and hopefully that those will be better and bette r.
Actually, translation is not an easy work it is a very difficult work to
do, especially which deals with the literary translations. It is caused by the
language style and expressions used in those literary translations seem to be
more informal than the scientific or other translation. Moreover, a translator
should still maintain the coverage of the beauty of the words as well as the
original texts in the product of translation. Those all are about how to do with
words from one language into other language without changing the message at
all. Thus, it proves that translation is not at all an easy work, it is rather a
creation and recreation of someone’s though and ideas than translate SL into
TL only. It is more than that and anything else.
Nevertheless, person who could master two or more languages can not
directly being a translator, because the translation needs something more than
the language acquisition, as it doesn’t ensure his success in translation (You,
1994: 2) it can be proved by the following examples taken from The Bridges
of Madison County novel and its translation.
1. If I didn’t fight to control myself with you, I feel like I might lose my
centered never get back.
Kalau aku tidak berjuang untuk mengendalikan diri sendiri saat
bersamamu, aku akan hilang dan tak pernah dapat kembali.
2. If you’re quient and open enough to hear them, they’re out there.
Bila kau diam dan mau membuka hati untuk mendengarkan, kau akan tahu
bahwa mereka ada di sana.
Those two examples above are English Conditional Sentences (ECSs)
and their translations, Indonesian Conditional Sentences (ICSs). However,
those examples are translated in different context and type of conditional
sentence. The reason for those is that they may not be translated literally. In
this case, the conjunction if or the if-clause marks the different type of
conditional sentence. Moreover, the tenses of ECSs are clear enough, but it
will not be so clear when it is translated into the ICS, the product will be
invisible. Those approvals show that translation has some difficulties, which
are complex and complicated, especially to the grammatical structure, the ESC
into the ICS translation.
Conditional sentence itself is a sentence or clause consists of an If-
Clause, named sub clause and the result found in the main clause. Thomson
and Martinet (1995: 197) said that conditional sentence has two parts: the
If-Clause and the main clause. They also stated that Conditional Sentence has
three kinds or type, in which each kind or type contains a different pair of
tenses and some variations also. Those three types of Conditional Sentences
named by Thomson and Martinet (1995: 197-200) as type I is probable or real
condition, type II and III are improbable or unreal condition. Those types of
conditional sentence are categorized into a conditional sentence using if.
Other category of conditional sentence is conditional sentence without
if. This category consists of inversion, an implied or unstated condition, the
use of unless (instead of if … not), even though (instead of even if),
whether… or (instead of if…or), but for (instead of if it weren’t for or if it
hand’t been for), otherwise (instead of if this doesn’t or didn’t happen or
hadn’thappened), suppose or supposing (instead of what if), and a wish (about
future, present, and past).
Considering those explanations and phenomena above, the writer then,
is interested in studying the English Indonesian Translation, especially in the
literary work, that is a novel, and the stress is on the English Conditional
Sentence into Indonesian Conditional Sentence. The writer is interested in
analyzing Conditional Sentence because the writer finds that there are some
types of English Conditional Sentence and wants to know how they will be
translated in the version of Indonesian Conditional Sentence. Therefore, a
Conditional Sentence is an interesting subject to figure out how they will be
translated into Indonesian.
By then, the writer will take the analysis, entitle A TRANSLATION
B. Previous Study
A lot of previous researchers have done some translation studies, but
those don’t close other researchers to make another research on the
translation study. The writer here herself, has an idea to study the translation
work deriver from other researchers, Junaedi and Oktania.
The firs researcher is Junaedi, from Sebelas Maret University, 1997.
His research is about an analysis of English Conditional Sentences, which
are translated from Indonesian novel by Muhtar Lubis Manusia Indonesia,
which based on the Communication Principles. His research draws
conclusions that the message accuracy of English Conditional Sentence is
appropriate, deviate, and inappropriate and the way the language style
determine the translation quality is that language styles provide the media to
the translator in order to preserve the situational context of the source
massage. Appropriate Target Message (TM) takes place when (TM) has the
same situational context with the Source Message (SM). Inappropriate
Target Message occurs when (TM) has the different situational context from
The research above is different from the writer here, because the
source subject novels are different. Dedi Junaedi uses an Indonesian novel as
the source subject and the writer here uses an English novel as the source
subject. This proves that the studies are different.
The second researcher is Oktania, from Muhammadiyah University
of Surakarta, 2004. The result of her research shows that there is three
variations of translation Subjunctive Mood found in the novel For This
Week I Thee Wed , they are Subjunctive Mood that is used to explain the
supposition in present unreal sentence. The second is that the Subjunctive
Mood that uses wish to explain supposition or expectation is derived into
two funs, in the future and in the past. The third is that the past Subjunctive
Mood that is used alter as if or us though. While the accuracy of the
translation is divided into two, they are accurate translation and inaccurate
translation. The last conclusion is that there are only three out of seven types
of translation found in that novel; they are Free, Literal, and Ethnographic
Oktania’s research is also different from the writer here, because
Nuni studies the Subjunctive Mood, whereas the writer here studies the
Conditional Sentence.
The writer has similar source of data that is novel and it analysis the
accurateness of translation by employing the accurateness of translation
theory proposed by Machali.
C. Problem Statement
Based on the research background, the writer formulates the
following problem state ments:
1. What are the variations of English Conditional Sentence (ECS), which
are translated into Indonesian Conditional Sentence (ICS) in the Robert
James Waller The Bridges of Madison County into Jembatan Madison
2. What types of translation are applied in translating the English
Conditional Sentence (ECS) into Indonesian Conditional Sentence
(ICS) in the Robert James Waller The Bridges of Madison County into
Jembatan Madison County?
D. Objective of the Study
The objectives of the study are as follows:
l. To classify and describe the variation of English Conditional Sentence
(ECS), which are translated into Indonesian Conditional Sentence (ICS)
in the Robert James Waller The Bridges of Madison County into Jembatan
Madison County.
2. To identify and describe the types of translations, which are applied in
the translation of English Conditional Sentence (ECS) into Indonesian
Conditional Sentence (ICS) in the Robert James Waller The Bridges of
Madison County into Jembatan Madison County
E. Benefit of the Study
This research has two major benefits, they are: theoretically and
practically. For the theoretically benefit, the writer hopes that result of the
research will have about conditional sentences and the result of this study
can be used as knowledge to improve their ability of-the translation
especially in the conditional sentences.
For practically benefit the researcher able to apply those theories in
conducting the analysis conditional sentences and the result of this study can
be used as a guideline to translate any other translation, which deals with
English conditional sentence.
F. Limitation of the Study
This research studies only the English Conditional Sentences in
the novel of Robert James Waller The Bridges Of Madison County and their
translations (Indonesian Conditional Sentences). Because most of the text
used in the novel of Robert James Waller The Bridges Of Madison County
they were in conditional sentence.
G. Research Paper Organization
The research consists of five chapters.
Chapter I is introduction. This chapter presents background of the
study, previous study, problem statement, objectives of the study, benefits of
the study, limitation of the study, and research paper organization.
Chapter II is underlying theory, which presents notion of translation,
translation process, equivalence in translation, types of translation, accuracy
in translation, definition, and notion of clause and sentence, English
conditional sentence, types of English conditional sentence, Indonesian
conditional sentence, types of Indonesian conditional sentence, and the
similarities and differences between ECS and ICS.
Chapter III is research method. It deals with type of research, object,
data, and data source, method of collecting the data, and method of
analyzing the collected data.
Chapter IV consists of data analysis and discussion
Chapter V consists of conclusion and suggestion.
Thursday, 28 April 2011
A. Background of the Study
In communication, there are spoken and written languages. While
communicating, people involve two kinds of those languages. In spoken
language, the communication is held orally. In daily life, human being gets used
to find it in television, daily conversation, radio, meeting, and etc. By getting
information from the spoken language, people will understand the message
easier because it is directly. But, it will be so awful if the information that
people got is from the foreign language. Before understanding the information,
people should interpret the meaning first. The interpretation process is a
problem if it can’t be interpreted well in order to get a good understanding.
From television, in some movies, there is subtitling which is made by
subtitler. Subtitling is words that translate what is said in a film/movie into a
different language and appear on the screen at the bottom of the television.
There are some problems which can be faced by the subtitler, such as making
the subtitling readable although the subtitler hasn’t known the background of the
movie itself. From this case, the writer wants to analyze the deletion strategy in
subtitling of a film/ movie.
The understandable and readable subtitling can be achieved by some
strategies that used by the subtitler. The strategies are condensation, expansion,
paraphrase, transcription, imitation, dislocation, transfer, decimation, deletion.
These strategies are used by the subtitler so that it can make people easier to get
the message. So, as an subtitler, it is an important for him to know culture of the
source language, idioms and words expression that usually appears.
In this following example, the subtitler uses deletion strategy to get the
understanding subtitling. Deletion is one of the subtitling strategies which is
used by the subtitler to shorten the source language into the target language, by
deleting some words in the utterance. For the source data the writer chooses The
Lord of the Rings; the Return of the King film. The samples of text deletion are
as follows:
1. Source language: “...Well, let’s just have his head and
be done with it.”
Target language: “…kita penggal saja dan
In this subtitling, the interpreter tries to simplify the words or to make
the source language shorten without changing the meaning. It was done in order
to get a better understanding and to make us easy to get the message from the
author in the film’s manuscript. While, in this case the interpreter deletes some
words, such as: well and his head. Actually, in subtitling it can be baiklah, kita
penggal saja kepalanya dan selesaikan.
2. Source language: “…trees will come back to live here.
Young trees, wild trees.”
Target language: “…pohon-pohon muda liar akan
hidup disini.”
People can see clearly that there are some words lost from source
language but it does not influence the meaning. In this case the interpreter uses
the deletion strategy to make people understand clearly.
Mostly subtitlers use one of those strategies in order to overcome the
problems of interpretation that can be unreadable. The good subtitling can also
influence the succeeded of the film. If the subtitling is accepted by the viewers,
it will make the viewers interest more to the film and can make them comfort in
understanding the film. To show the roles of deletion’s strategy, this research
analyzes The Deleting Strategy in Achieving the Equivalence in Subtitling of the
Lord of the Rings: the Return of the King.
B. Previous Study
To prove the originality of the study, the researcher presents the previous
research. First is Zakiah (2006) with her research entitled “Analysis of Taming
Sarcasm Words in Subtitling Bad Boys Film.” She analyzed the subtitling by
using taming strategy. The research findings are there are some sarcasm words
that changed by the interpreter from the source language into the target
language, and she analyzed those changes. The findings show that the subtitler
used taming strategy in making subtitling, the writer knew the audience’s
acceptability, and the writer knew the reasons of the subtitler used taming
The second analysis of subtitling has ever been conducted by Windarta
(2008) with her research entitled “An Analysis of Condensation Strategy in
Subtitling of Pirates of the Caribbean: the Curse of the Black Pearl Film”. She
describes the form of condensation strategy in subtitling. The research findings
are there are some texts that to be shortened and be changed by the interpreter
from the source language into the target language and she analyzed those
changes. The finding shows that the subtitler used condensation strategy in
making subtitling, the writer knew the reasons of the subtitler used condensation
strategy, knew that there are some condensation sentences which is nonequivalence,
and the writer knew the form of condensation
The similarity between two researches above from the writer’s research
is about subtitling. However, in this research, the writer wants to analyze the
deletion’s strategy in subtitling because there are some different amounts of the
words from source language into target language.
C. Limitation of the Study
There are some strategies in subtitling that the subtitler uses to get a
good understanding of source language. Those strategies are deletion,
expansion, transfer, paraphrase, imitation, dislocation, transcription,
condensation, taming, recognition, and decimation.
In this research, the writer only analyzes the deletion’s strategy that was
used by the subtitler in subtitling of The Lord of the Rings: the Return of the
King film. There are some conversations which had already subtitled into the
short written texts. The writer chooses deletion because of some reason: (1)
deletion’s strategy has not been analyzed by any researcher yet; (2) the
researcher wants to analyze deeply about the subtitling if there is change of
message in interpreting.
D. Problem Statement
Based on the background, identification, and the limitation above, the
writer states the problems as follows:
1. What are the forms of deletion strategy in subtitling of The Lord of the
Rings: the Return of the King?
2. What are the reasons of using deletion strategy in subtitling of The Lord of
the Rings: the Return of the King?
3. Is that the target language in the subtitling equivalence after using deletion?
E. Objective of the Study
In the relation to the above problem statement, the writer formulates the
following research objectives
1. To describe the deletion strategy in subtitling of The Lord of the Rings: the
Return of the King film.
2. To describe the reasons of the subtitler in using deletion’s strategy.
3. To describe whether the target language is equivalent or not.
F. Benefit of the Study
The writer hopes this research has academic and practical benefits.
1. Academic Benefit
a. This research gives contribution in interpreting study especially in
b. This research enriches the theories of subtitling films, especially from
English film into Indonesian subtitle.
2. Practical Benefit
a. The research result gives benefit to film subtitling professionals in order to
improve their subtitles.
b. The result of the research can be used to add the reference for other
researcher in studying subtitle.
G. Research Paper Organization
Chapter I is introduction, it consists of background of the study, previous
study, problem statements, objective of the study, limitation of the study, and
the benefit of the study.
Chapter II is underlying theory. It presents to notion of translation, film
subtitle, subtitling strategies, deletion strategy, the Lord of the Rings; the Return
of the King, readability, and equivalence.
Chapter III is research method. It presents of type of the research, object
of the research, data and source data, method of data collecting, and method of
analyzing the data.
Chapter IV is data analysis and discussion. It discusses analysis of
deletion sentence in subtitling and discussion finding.
Chapter V is closing. It covers conclusion and suggestion. .
This research aims to study the intimate address used in the drama films. Address systems are the term used by the people to address the person they are talking to. Its use depends on the relationship and the relative status of individual involved in conversation. The objectives of the study are to describe the uses of intimate addresses and the reasons of the use of intimate addresses system employed by the characters in the drama films. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative. The data are the intimate address system used by the characters in the drama films. The data are collected from the dialogue containing personal address system in movie manuscript. The methods of collecting data are observation and documentation. Tu (T) and Vous (V) Theory is used to analyze the use of intimate address system. In addition, SPEAKING formula proposed by Hymes is used to find out the reasons of the use of the intimate address system. The results of this research show that the intimate address used in drama films not only used Mutual/Symmetrical Tu (T) but also Mutual/Symmetrical Vous (V) and, Asymmetrical Tu (T) and Vous (V). Asymmetrical Tu (T) and Vous (V) is still divided into two forms; Giving Vous (V) _Receiving Tu (T) and Giving Tu (T) _Receiving Vous (V). In addition, the identification of context of conversation shows that the intimate address system som etimes is used not only between the people that have an intimate relationship, but also betwee n the people who do not have the intimate relationship; also, the intimate address system is used not only in informal situation but also in formal situation. Besides, the reasons of employing the intimate address system include showing intimacy, showing respect and showing power.
A. Background of the Study
Every language reflects the social characters of the speaker, of the
addressee or of the relation between them. Address system is one of the
important tools of communication used in society. Social class, age, sex,
profession, marital status, politeness and other related aspect are the kinds of
basic rules. Address forms are used by the speaker to designate the person
they are talking to. The use of address forms depends on the relationship
between addresser and addressee, the social status or individual in volved in
the conversation, the purpose of the conversation and the situation. The main
goal of addressing is to maintain social relationship between addresser and
addressee in society (Fasold, 1990:1). Meanwhile inappropriate use of the
address forms will result in failure in establishing social relationship.
In general conversation both participants need greeting. Addressing is
the part of greeting (Chaika, 1982:46). Addressing differs from greeting in two
ways. First, addressing is used almost solely for power and solidarity.
Greeting may vary between two people depending on their mood. Two people
who address each other the same way each time they meet may vary their
greeting. Second, addressing can be repeatedly constantly throughout a
conversation, to reinforce the relative intimacy and solidarity between people.
Address system in greeting of conversation show the interest between the
participants (Chaika, 1982:46).
A number of people generally do addressing someone before starting
conversation. Calling someone’s name is the most common way of
addressing. In addressing, Wardaugh (2000:264) implies that the person must
consider of close relationship / intimateness, addressing of kinship term,
addressing of respectful term, and addressing of mockeries.
Address system is usually used to show the possession of formal and
informal manners and consideration of the people. In other words, employing
a certain address term, speaker wants to express his or her feelings of respect,
solidarity, intimacy, and familiarity to the other people. Clearly address forms
are employed to maintain social relation that occurs in daily life.
Address is considered as a part of conversation. Having deep
understanding about address rules of language is not an easy matter.
Wardaugh (1998:253) states that the actual rules of address in a society are as
a complex as society itself.
Actually language provides a variety of ways of saying the same things
in addressing and greeting others, describing things, and paying compliment.
Some factors influence the relationship between the people in particular
situation and how the speaker feels about the people addressed. Wardaugh
(2000:26) states that one can address other by the title (T), first name (FN), by
Last Name (LN), by a nickname, by some combination of these, or by nothing
at all. In addressing another, the choice of name which one uses for the other
depends both on the knowledge of the person the addresser speaks to, and on
the situation.
Wardaugh (2000:266) confirms that addressing by the title alone is the
least intimate forms of address. Those titles usually designate ranks or
occupation, as in Colonel, Doctor, or Waiter. When uses the first name alone
in addressing, it seems that the person is presuming an intimacy or
alternatively is trying to assert some power over addressee. Both first name
and nickname tends to occur in relaxed or informal situation. Title and first
name have the interesting effect of showing respect by the title, by intimacy
by the first name.
How the people say something is at least as important as what people
say. One way of looking at the relationship is to examine a few specific
aspects of communication namely pronominal choice between Tu and Vous
form in language which receive such as a choice the use of naming, address
system and employment of politeness makers (Wardaugh, 2000:261).
People can find many forms of address term used. In relax situation,
someone often calls a friend with his nickname, such as Tom for Thomas, or
Mickey for Michael. However in the other formal situation, people tend to
address someone else by their titles like Mr., Mrs., Miss, etc. besides, the
address of my love, my dear or title one usually used to show the intimate
relation between the addresser and addressee.
According to Fas old (1990:4), intimacy can be meant two people can
be equally powerful in the social order, but be from different parts of the
country, and be different, if equally respected, profession. In other words, the
need developed to distinguish a degree of common ground between people
which went beyond simply having equal power.
Whereas address, literally means formal speech or giving a speech to
somebody. Generally address is a term used by someone to call her or his
friend, family member, person who has an honor or even person who he or she
never met before. Like the explanation above, the addressing depend on with
whom they are talking to. Once more, in this research the writer discusses
about the intimate address, it means the addressing used by someone to call
the other and it is informal characterized, such as calling the one name like
Alex, Anna, Bridge, etc , using multiple name like darling, dear, honey, etc.
So, it can be concluded that intimate address is the term used by someone to
address or to call the other who has a close or rather close relationship to show
his or her intimacy, respect and familiarity.
The phenomena that human being will never stop communicating, and
in communicating they will never stop using many kinds of addressing to
address the interlocutors in many different situations, and that the conversation
is also represented in movie encourages the writer to conduct a research
dealing with intimate address system seen in drama films entitled “AN
B. Previous Study
The study of address system was done by some researchers; some of
them are as follows:
Asmawati (2003), she discussed about addressing in her research “A
Sociolinguistics Analysis on English Address System Used in Blackboy
Novel”. In her research she found five kinds of address term (1) Address using
name, (2) Address using respectful term, (3) Address using family
relationship, (4) Address using close relation, and (5) Address using mockery.
Dian Ardianti (2004), she discussed about addressing in her research
“An Analysis of Address Term Used in English Translation of Al-Quran”. She
concerned with the honorific in analysis the data and found three addresses
term (1) Addresses term used by God to human, (2) Address term used by
human to God, and (3) Addresses term used by human to human.
Wildayanti (2004), she discussed about addressing in her research “A
Sociolinguistics Analysis of Politeness in Addressing System in Pretty
Woman Manuscript”. She concerned with politeness principles in a system by
employing SPEAKING theory, Tu and Vous theory and politeness strategy.
Beside that, she found six kinds of Address System (1) Address using name,
(2) Address system using close relationship, (3) Address system using intimate
terms, (4) Address system using kinship terms, (5) Address system using
respectful terms, and (6) Address system using mockeries.
Nurnaningsih (2005), she discussed about addressing system in her
research “An Analysis of a Term Used in Aristocratic Movie Manuscript”.
She concerned with the honorific, Tu and Vous principle, and SPEAKING
formula of Hymes in analyzing the data. She conveyed some reason of the use
of address term; they are showing respect, power, intimacy or solidarity, anger
and insult.
It can be seen from the four researches above, that an analysis on the
use of intimate address system in the drama films using sociolinguistics
approach is not yet conducted. Thus, the writer is eager to complete the
available related research by conducting this research.
C. Limitation of the Study
There are many kinds of address used in the script of drama film. In
this research the researcher only takes the data which deal with the intimate
addresses. The analysis will be limited on the addresses that are used for
calling the intimate participants occurring in dialogs in the drama films
entitled “Anna and the King” , “Bridget Jones Diary”, “If Only”, “Music
and Lyrics” , “Prince and Me (The Royal Wedding)” and “The Lake House“.
D. Problem Statement
1. How are the uses of intimate address system?
2. What are the reasons of the use of intimate address system?
E. Objective Study
The objectives of the research are as follows:
1. To describe the uses of intimate addresses employed by the characters in
the drama film.
2. To describe the reasons of the use of intimate address system employed by
the characters in the drama film.
F. Benefits of the Study
The writer hopes that the result of this research can give contribution
academically and practically:
1. Academic Benefits
a. This research will give additional academic reference about English
address terms.
b. The result of this research can be useful to make further analysis
especially on the use of address system in English.
c. This study can gives more information for further researchers dealing
with address system.
2. Practical Benefits
a. To give more information to the readers about the use of address
system especially the use of intimate address.
b. Give information to the readers about the reason of employing such
address system in the drama films and the use of them in appropriate way.
G. Research Paper Organization
The organization of this research paper is given in order to make the
reader easy to understand the contents of the paper. The organization of this
research paper is as follows:
Chapter I is introduction. It consists of the Background of the study,
Limitations of the study, Problem Statement, Objective of the Study, Benefit
of the Study, Benefit of the Study Research Methodology and Research Paper
Chapter II is underlying theory. This chapter is concern with the theory
of Sociolinguistics, Context of speech situation, the notion of address system,
Tu and Vous theory, the notion of intimate address, SPEAKING formula, and
key term used in movie manuscript.
Chapter III is research method. This chapter related to the type of the
research, object of the research, data and source of the data, method of
collecting data, and technique of analyzing data.
Chapter IV covers the data analyzes and the discussion of the findings.
Chapter V consists of conclusion and suggestion. Conclusion deals
with the answer of the problem statement and the other findings. This chapter
related to some suggestions for other research and readers.
Wednesday, 27 April 2011
The object of the research is the novel entitled Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. The study gives focus on Industrial Revolution in England as reflected in Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist. The aim of the study is finding the criticism on moral and social value. The study belongs to a qualitative study. In this method, the researcher uses two data sources namely primary and secondary data. The primary data source and object of study is the novel Oliver Twist itself, meanwhile the secondary ones are any literature related with the study. The technique of data analysis in this study is descriptive to make an interpretation of the text and content analysis using deductive and inductive method. The result of the study shows the following conclusion. Firstly, Charles Dickens’ worldview on moral and children abuse is that solitary human existence needs what is called moral and social value in their life. Because by fulfilling both of them, surely they can reach maturation. Secondly, Charles Dickens’ view on a freedom of life is a right to act or speak freely. The existences of rules and conventions are forms of limitations for a freedom. In other words, Dickens wants to say that the existences of rules and conventions are to be broken, because by doing that people can know which is wrong and right then the result, they are to be more mature in every step that they take. Finally, freedom of life is important for every people as long as they have courage to take charge of what they have done.
A. Background of the Study
The Industrial Revolution which began in Europe in the late 18th
century and early 19th century quickly spread to England. The late 19th
century and early 20th century brought substantial industrial growth in
England. Many British left terms and small towns to works in factories. By
1860, when British was population lived in urban areas and one third of the
nation’s income came from manufacturing. English had grown into an
industrial capitalist society by then.
In an industrial capitalist society, the class division is between the
factory owner and the worker. In industrial capitalist society the workers
make goods in return for wages. They do not own the goods. The goods are
sold to the market at a profit; hence, to get goods, workers have to buy them
with money. This system makes the worker unable to play any roles the
process of production
Toward the 21st century there was a shift in structure of the English
society. Manufacturing had declined significantly and the service sector had
grown. The dominance of service jobs in the economy becomes irresistible.
By the mid 1980s, three fourth of all employees worked in the service sector,
for instance as teachers, physicians and other health care professionals,
government employees, lawyers, and legal and financial specialist. This
phenomenon is the characteristic of post-industrial society. For Bell (1973), a
post-industrial manufacturing to service industries centered on information
technology. (Bell in Barker, 2000: 104). Industrial Revolution was an
important event for human kind. It caused great changes not only in England
but also the entire world. The effect of Industrial Revolution aroused in every
single thing in human life, including education, philosophy, social, life even
in religion aspect. The position of service class worker is not merely the same
as the working class mentioned previously. The service class is not primarily
involved in the direct production of good or commodities rather; they sell
their skills and depend on their market power. They usually have high degree
of autonomy, working either as professional experts or in directing other
labors. Though they do not own the means of production, they may be
shareholders or have the authority to manage the strategy direction of the
company. On the contrary, the position of the working class in the postindustrial
capitalist society become even harder, moreover, for those who
cannot adapt to continuous economic, organizational, technological change.
Firstly, they are alienated from the process of production. Secondly, they are
intimidated by the dominance of the service class whether in the working
sphere or in the social life since in a way of maintaining their identity through
consumption, they have less income and consumption capabilities than the
service class. The war always effects the circumstance or the certain
environment, especially social, culture, politic, economic and more. That is
why there are a lot of authors interested in reflecting the real situation into the
literary work such as Charles Dickens (1812-1870) is considered to be one of
the greatest English novelists of the Victorian period. Dickens's works are
characterized by attacks on social evils, injustice, and hypocrisy. Charles
Dickens was born in Landport, Hampshire on February 7, 1812. His father
was a clerk in the navy pay office, who was well paid but often ended up in
financial troubles. In 1814 Dickens moved to London, and then to Chatham,
where he received some education. He worked in a blacking factory,
Hungerford Market, London, while his family was in Marshalea debtor's
prison in 1824).
In 1824-1827 Dickens studied at Wellington House Academy,
London, and at Mr. Dawson's school in 1827. From 1827 to 1828 he was a
law office clerk, and then worked as a shorthand reporter at Doctor's
Commons. He wrote for True Son (1830-1832), Mirror of Parliament (1832-
1834) and the Morning Chronicle (1834-1836). He was in the 1830s a
contributor to the Monthly Magazine, and The Evening Chronicle and edited
Bentley's Miscellany. In the 1840s Dickens founded Master Humphry's Clock
and edited the London Daily News. Dickens's career as a writer of fiction
started in 1833 when his short stories and essays appeared in periodicals. His
Sketches By Boz and The Pickwick Papers were published in 1836.In the same
year he married the daughter of his friend George Hogarth, Catherine
Hogarth. The Pickwick Papers were stories about a group of rather odd
individuals and their travels to Ipswich, Rochester, Bath and elsewhere.
Dickens's novels first appeared in monthly installments, including Oliver
Twist (1837-1839), which depicts the London underworld and hard years of
the foundling Oliver Twist, Nicholas Nickelby (1838-1839), a tale of young
Nickleby's struggles to seek his fortune, and The Old Curiosity Shop (1840-
Among his later works are David Copperfield (1849-1850), where
Dickens used his own personal experiences of work in a factory, Bleak House
(1852-1853), A Tale Of Two Cities (1859), set in the years of the French
Revolution and Great Expectations (1860-1861)
From the 1840s Dickens spent much time traveling and campaigning
against many of the social evils of his time. In addition he gave talks and
reading, wrote pamphlets, plays, and letters. In the 1850s Dickens was
founding editor of Household Words and its successor All the Year Round
(1859-1870). In 1844-45 he lived in Italy, Switzerland and Paris. He gave
lecturing tours in Britain and the United States in 1858-68.
From 1860 Dickens lived at Gadshill Place, near Rochester, Kent. He
died at Gadshill on June 9, 1870. The unfinished mystery novel The Mystery
Of Edwin Drood was published in 1870.
Throughout all of Charles Dickens’ writing, the writer is interested by
the worldview of Charles Dickens. The writer will analyze it in Charles
Dickens’ Oliver Twist: through genetic structuralism approach.
Dickens' second novel tells the story of the orphan Oliver set against
the seamy underside of the London criminal world. Published in monthly
parts in Bentley's Miscellany, partly concurrent with Pickwick and Nicholas
Nickleby, the novel was illustrated by George Cruikshank.
In this departure from the merry world of Pickwick, Dickens targets
the Poor Law Amendment Act of 1834 which renewed the importance of the
workhouse as a means of relief for the poor. Dickens was severely criticized
for introducing criminals and prostitutes in Oliver Twist, to which Dickens
replied, in the preface to the Library Edition of Oliver Twist in 1858, "I saw
no reason, when I wrote this book, why the very dregs of life, so long as their
speech did not offend the ear, should not serve the purpose of a moral, at least
as well as its froth and cream". The novel was well received but not with the
adulation of Pickwick.
One of the most dramatized of Dickens' works, Oliver Twist was
appearing in 10 theaters in London before serialization of the novel was even
completed. The Internet Movie Database lists nearly 25 film versions, the first
in 1906. Academy Award winning filmmaker Roman Polanski is the latest to
bring the little orphan boy to the silver screen. Polanski's Oliver Twist opens
in theaters September 30, 2005.
B. Literary Review
In analyzing this novel, the writer finds other researchers that discuss
the different novel, but same in analyzing approach. Firstly, (Tri Wahyuni:
2001), in this research entitled “Racial Interaction In James Fenimore
Cooper’s The Last Of The Mohicans: Genetic Structuralism Approach”, the
writer emphasizes the analysis on relating the structure of the work to the
large structure of the social realities in which the work was made. Secondly,
(Dremo Prasojo: 1999). Social Maturation in MARK TWAIN‘S The
Adventures Of TOM SAWYER: A Genetic Structuralism Approach.
To fulfill the aim of this research and to limit this analysis, the
researcher will focus on analyzing Charles Dickens’ works, in this case is
Oliver Twist. It will focus on social phenomenon which is reflected in Oliver
Twist and Charles Dickens’ worldview of the Industrial Revolution in his
literary works, Oliver Twist.
C. Problem of the Study
The problem of the study: "What is Charles Dickens’ worldview on the
influence of English industrial revolution in his novel Oliver Twist?
D. Limitation of the Study
To carry out the study, the researcher needs to limit the study in order to
make it easier in analyzing the novel through the author’s view only. The
researcher is going to analyze the author’s view through genetic structuralism
E. Objectives of the Study
In this research paper, the writer has objectives to analyze the influence
of English industrial revolution in his novel Oliver Twist:
1. To analyze the structure of Oliver Twist and
2. To identify the relation between the structure of Oliver Twist and the
social historical background
F. Benefits of the Study
The writer takes a great expectation that the study will have the benefits
as follows:
1. Theoretical Benefits:
a. The study is expected to contribute the literary study on Charles
Dickens’ Oliver Twist.
b. The study is expected to find out the researcher’s curiosity about life
and the influence of English industrial revolution in 18th century in
2. Practical Benefit:
The study enriches the literary study, particularly among the
students of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.
G. Research Method
In analyzing the sociology of Oliver Twist and revealing Charles
Dickens’ worldview, the writer uses the qualitative method.
1. Research Object
The research object in this study is the main character and socioculture
conflicts in Charles Dickens’ Oliver Twist.
2. Type of the Data and the Data Sources
This study uses library data, which are classified into two
categories; primary and secondary data. The primary data are the texts of
“Oliver Twist”, whereas, the secondary data include material about
genetic structuralism, the theory literary criticism and other materials
relevant to the analysis.
3. Technique of the Data Collection
In this research, the writer uses the library in collecting data, the
present writer follows some steps such as:
a. Reading Oliver Twist novel.
b. Reading some related books to get the theory, data information.
c. Understanding parts of the related books also of the work.
d. Writing the data on certain papers.
e. Classifying the data into groups according to categories elements of
literary study.
4. Technique of the Data Analysis
The technique of analysis the data in this study is descriptive and
hermeneutic by interpreting the text in order to find out the most probable
intention of the author.
H. Paper Organization
This research paper consists of six chapters. It begins with Chapter 1
that comprises of the introduction, which includes background of the study,
literary review, problem statements, objective of the study, limitation of the
study, benefit of the study, theoretical approach, research method, and paper
organization. In Chapter II, the writer presents the underlying theory of
Genetic Structuralism. The biography of the author and Historical
Background of The South Society is presented in Chapter III while in Chapter
IV consists of structural analysis of the novel Oliver Twist. Chapter V
composes sociological analysis. Finally, the writer concludes the paper in
chapter VI.
This focuses on the analysis of rebellion against religious authority in David Benioff’s Troy by using sociological approach. This study is aimed to analyze the film based on its structural elements and to analyze the rebellion against religious authority shown in David Benioff’s Troy based on sociological approach. This is a qualitative research. The writer adopts sociological approach which consists of major principles of sociology of literature. The object of the study is Troy film by David Benioff. The method of data collection is library research, release document to be observed. In analyzing the data, the writer applies descriptive approach. The steps taken by the writer in analyzing the data are as follows: the first step is analyzing the data of this research. Analyzing the data of this research is trying to clarify the obtained data by selecting the necessary ones. Second step is analyzing the data based on sociological approach. After analyzing the data, viewed from structural analysis, David Benioff delivers a message that human tends to rebel against authorities which regulate their life includes religious authority. To deliver that message, Benioff uses the story from Homer’s Iliad, Virgil’s Aeneid and other myths, that is about Trojan War. He gives a stress on the character of Achilles who did not believe in the imagine of Zeus (God). Thus, the writer finds that the narrative and technical elements of Troy film build a unity from which technical elements enhance the narrative elements. Each element is related to the other in building a good story. Meanwhile, viewed from sociological analysis, David Benioff wants to reflect rationality preference of American society as the one who can not accept certain belief as a dogma. Most of the people of USA are fascinated by excellent science and technological aspect, huge economic ability, strong political power, high social class and cultural influential through the world. They are very proud with those facilities above. This condition makes American society ignores the last social aspect. It is about religious aspect. Most of them believe that religious is about individual concern. It does not have place in public space. They tend to be secular society. This is the kind of rebellion against religious authority deals with American society as a place where Troy film is produced. In this film, Benioff criticizes American society who tends to stress on rationality and ignores spiritual devotion.
A. Background of the Study
Many stories are presented in film. Some of them are fictive but
some of them are based on true stories. Even fictive, films are also based
on the reflection of the society’s live. Film is an instrument of its author to
show his idea to other. The idea of the author doesn’t come by itself. It
comes from social phenomena around the author. Then the author presents
the phenomena into film. In other words, film reflects the condition of
society in which it is made. Laurenson and Swingewood (1972: 13) said
that “The most popular perspective adopts the documentary aspects of
literature, arguing that it provides a mirror to the age”.
As described in wikipedia, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troy_
%28film%29), Troy is a film, released on May 14, 2004, about the battle
between Greek and Troy (Trojan War) which happened in the year 1250
B.C. during the late Bronze Age as described in Homer's Iliad, Virgil's
Aeneid, and other myths. The war begins after Prince Paris of Troy takes
Helen, Queen of Sparta. It makes her husband, King Menelaus angry and
together with his brother, King Agamemnon, and all Greek armies sail to
Troy to take Helen back. In the war, it shown that Greek has their best
soldier Achilles, and Troy has Hector. Achilles is a great warrior and he
always wins in his battle. It makes him a little arrogant and neglects the
existence of God. While Hector is also the great warrior and always obey
his father, Priam King of Troy, who always acts based on the decision of
the priest. The war end after Achilles kills Hector and gives Troy 12 day
truce. During the truce, the Greek builds horse statue and entered into it.
Troy finds nothing in war location but horse statue. Then, the horse statue
is brought into the city. At night, the men inside the horse go out and burn
the city.
The film, which was an Oscar-nominated movie, received many
public comments. As described in imdb, (http://www.imdb.com/title/
tt0332452/usercomments), there are up to 1542 comments for Troy from
its users starting from favorable comments up to unfavorable comments.
One favorable comment comes from a Professor from Italy in Classics in
the University which submitted on 22 March 2005. Professor said that
Troy was a fine work especially in its screenplay because elaborated many
sources with some personal touch and adapted the myth to an antimilitarist
and anti-imperialistic point of view. More, professor said that
the actors were convincing in their role, the scenery was magnificent and
the accuracy in reproducing weapons and armour. While one unfavorable
comment comes from New York, USA in 9 January 2005 a graduate
student of literature. He/she said that basically he/she likes an action
movie but he/she didn’t like with some parts in this movie. He/she was
annoyed with such of cutting down the women in this tale (overplaying
Helen who never speaks in the Illiad, and cutting out Hecuba, Priam's
wife, and Queen of Troy completely, cutting out Cassandra) and also the
adaptation of different tale like Illiad by Hormer and Aeneid by Virgil
which both are taken in different time.
Besides getting many comments, based on the report in imdb,
(http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0332452/awards) Troy also got many movie
awards. It is won in ASCAP Film and Television Music Awards 2005 for
Top Box Office Films, nominated in Best Achievement in Costume
Design from Academy Awards USA 2005, nominated in Best Foreign
Film from Awards of Japanese Academy 2005, nominated in Golden
Trailer Awards 2004 for Best Music and Summer 2004 Blockbuster for
“Greatest war”, won in Irish Film and Television Awards 2004 for Best
Supporting Actor in Film/TV (Peter O’Toole), nominated in MTV Movie
Awards 2005 for Best Fight (Brad Pitt and Eric Bana) and Best Male
Performance (Brad Pitt), nominated in Motion Picture Sound Editors USA
2005 for Best Sound Editing in Foreign Features, Teen Choice Awards
2004 won for Choice Movie Actor - Drama/Action Adventure (Brad Pitt)
and nominated for Choice Breakout Movie Star-Male (Garrett Hedlund),
Choice Movie-Drama/Action Adventure, Choice Movie Actor-
Drama/Action Adventure (Orlando Bloom), and Choice Movie
Fight/Action Sequence, nominated in Visual Effects Society Awards 2005
for Outstanding Supporting Visual Effects in a Motion Picture, nominated
in World Soundtrack Awards 2004 for Best Original Song Written for
Film, and nominated in World Stunt Awards 2005 for Best Fight and Best
Stunt Coordinator and/or 2nd Unit Director.
As described in wikipedia, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_
Benioff), Troy is a film written by David Benioff (screen play) as
described in Homer's Iliad, Virgil's Aeneid, and other myths. He is an
American author who was born in New York in 1970 and he was the
Dartmouth College alumnus. Born David Friedman, he changed his name
to David Benioff, his mother's maiden name. He worked as a club bouncer
and high school English teacher until he won recognition for his book, The
25th Hour. He later adapted the book into a film, starring Edward Norton
and directed by Spike Lee. Thus began his career as a Hollywood
screenwriter. He adapted a screenplay of the mythological epic Troy
This film was also played by famous actors and actress; there were
Brad Pitt as Achilles, Orlando Bloom as Paris, Eric Bana as Hector, Brian
Cox as Agamemnon, Brendan Gleeson as Menelaus, Diane Kruger as
Helen, Peter O’Toole as Priam, Sean Bean as Odysseus and the other. And
last but not least, Wolfgang Petersen is the director and producer of this
film. Besides from the famous actors, Troy is also great in
cinematography. Cinematography is “the discipline of making lighting and
camera choices when recording photographic images for the cinema”,
wikipedia, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cinematography). It is closely
related to the art of photography, though many additional issues arise
when both the camera and elements of the scene may be in motion. For
example is the great scenery (the palaces of Agamemnon and Priam, and
the Greek camp), the accuracy in reproducing weapons and armour (Ajax
fights in the Mycenean way, while Achilles and Hector use more recent
Moreover, the main subject which would be analyzed in this film is
the major different character of Greek and Troy as a society viewing from
religious aspect. Viewing from religious aspect, there is such rebellion
against religious authority shown in this film. Rebellion is “act of
rebelling”, while rebel “is fight against or refuse to obey an authority”
(Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary). According to Oxford Learner’s
Pocket Dictionary, religious is “believing in and practicing a religion”.
While authority is refers to “the legitimacy, justification and right to
exercise that power”, wikipedia, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Authority).
So, rebellion against religious authority is fight against or refuses to obey a
religious authority. It is such act without consider religious rule and doing
something freely, for example, it likes underestimate the priest as the
servant of God, does not believe in God authority or rebels/mocks Him.
The Greek especially their main character Achilles is showing the
rebellion against religious authority. He mocks the God by his motion in
beheading Apollo head. While Troy is a kingdom who always acts based
on religious rule, King Priam always acts based on priest suggestions. The
Greek as the world power kingdom at that time claims that they can
concord the world. That is why; Greek colonizes other country (kingdom)
and builds an emporium led by King Agamemnon. Because of the
superiority, they claim that they always won because of their own effort
(their own tactic) and neglected God intervention (religious rule.).
Christopher Lamb in Samovar and Porter, (1995: 115), states that
“it is clear that religion and culture are inextricably entwined.” Social
aspect relate to religion is the condition of the society toward the religion it
self. Religion has ruled to organize the society. That is why, there is a
society which is all their life aspects are organized by religion rule and
there is a society which ignores the religion rule.
Religion in society is also called sociology of religion. The
sociology of religion is “primarily the study of the practices, social
structures, historical backgrounds, development, universal themes, and
roles of religion in society”, wikipedia, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki
/Sociology_of_religion). There is particular emphasis on the recurring role
of religion in nearly all societies on Earth today and throughout recorded
history. Sociologists of religion attempt to explain the effects of society on
religion and the effects of religion on society; in other words, their
dialectical relationship. How far religion influences the society and how
far a certain society neglects it.
Relate to that condition, the role of religion among the society is
portrayed by many authors in their literary work. Laurenson and
Swingewood, (1972: 13) explain that “The most popular perspective
adopts the documentary aspects of literature, arguing that it provides a
mirror to the age”. That is why, when an author makes a literary work, he
expresses the social condition where he lives.
Based on the social phenomena shown in Troy film, the writer was
interested in analyzing the rebellion against religious authority in David
Benioff’ Troy by using sociological approach. That’s why the writer will
take a research entitles “REBELLION AGAINST RELIGIOUS
B. Literature Review
The writer has not found the research about Troy film done by the
other writers after looking for several literary reviews in Muhammadiyah
University of Surakarta. Here, the writer will analyze Troy film focusing
on rebellion against religious authority by using sociological approach.
C. Problem Statement
After knowing the background of the study above, the writer tries
to formulate his research by arranging the problem, as follow: “How is the
rebellion against religious authority reflected in David Benioff’s Troy?”
Due to the problem statement above, the writer formulates the
notion of rebellion against religious authority. Rebellion is “act of
rebelling”, while rebel “is fight against or refuse to obey an authority”
(Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary). While described in wikipedia,
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebellion), rebellion is, “in the most general
sense, a refusal to accept authority”.
Meanwhile, religion is “a set of beliefs and practices often
organized around supernatural and moral claims and often codified as
prayer, ritual, and religious law”, wikipedia, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
Religion). Religion also encompasses ancestral or cultural traditions,
writings, history, and mythology, as well as personal faith and mystic
experience. The term religion refers to both the personal practices related
to communal faith and to group rituals and communication stemming from
shared conviction.
Durkheim in Malcolm B Hamilton, (the sociology of religion,
page: 12), states that religion is “a unified system of beliefs and practices
relative to sacred things, that is to say, things set apart and forbidden –
beliefs and practices which unite into one single moral community called a
Church all those who adhere to them”. According to Robertson in
Malcolm B Hamilton, (the sociology of religion, page: 15), religious
culture is “that set of beliefs and symbols (and values deriving directly
therefrom) pertaining to a distinction between an empirical and a superempirical,
transcendent reality; the affairs of the empirical being
subordinated in significance to the non-empirical. Secondly, we define
religious action simply as; action shaped by an acknowledgement of the
empirical/super-empirical distinction”. Christopher Lamb in Samovar and
Porter, (1995: 115), states that “it is clear that religion and culture are
inextricably entwined”. While according to Oxford Learner’s Pocket
Dictionary, religious is “believing in and practicing a religion”.
Authority refers to “the legitimacy, justification and right to
exercise of power”, wikipedia, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Authority).
Weberian sociology defines authority as “power which is recognized as
legitimate and justified by both the powerful and the powerless”,
wikipedia, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Authority). Moreover, according
to Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary, authority is “power to give orders,
and official permission to do something.”
Weber in wikipedia, (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Authority)
explains that there are three kinds of authority. The first is an authority
relates with customs, habits and social structures which are long
established in such society are called traditional society. For example is
when power passes from one generation to another. The next is rationallegal
authority. It is an authority which depends for its legitimacy on
formal rules and established laws of the state. It is usually in the form of
written, and is often very complex. Modern societies depend on legalrational
authority, for example is government officials. And last but not
least is charismatic authority. Charismatic authority is such authority
which is derived from the gift of grace, for example when someone (e.g. a
leader) claims that his authority is derived from a higher power (e.g. God
or natural law or rights) or inspiration. This authority is superior to both
the validity of traditional and rational-legal authority, and followers accept
this and are willing to follow this higher or inspired authority in the place
of the authority that they have hitherto been following.
Viewed from the case above, the writer knows that the authority
which is used in the research title refers to charismatic authority. That is
because it deals with the grace and derives from higher power. More, it
also has relation with religion or God law. So, the writer concludes that
rebellion against religious authority is fight against or refuses to obey a
religious authority. Furthermore, the rebels act without considering the
religious rule even fight its authority and don’t believe in God authority or
the existence of God by mocking Him and underestimate the priest as the
servant of God.
D. Limitation of the Study
In this research, the writer limits the study on how rebellion against
religious authority shown in David Benioff’s Troy by using sociological
E. Objective of the Study
This research that the writer wants to analyze focuses on:
1. To analyze the film based on its structural elements.
2. To analyze the rebellion against religious authority shown in David
Benioff’s Troy based on sociological approach.
F. Benefit of the Study
The result of the study will contribute to:
1. Theoretical Benefit:
This research will give contribution in criticizing a literary
work and producing the objective criticism.
2. Practical Benefit
Practically, this research can add the knowledge to the writer
and other researcher of the sociological theory applied in a literary
work, particularly on David Benioff’s Troy.
G. Research Method
In this research, the writer takes a certain procedure covering five
steps. They are as follows:
1. Type of the Research
The type of the research, which is used by the writer, is
qualitative type. Moleong (1989: 3) said that qualitative
research is “a research which result is in the descriptive data”.
2. Object of the Study
The object of the study is Troy film by David Benioff.
3. Data and Data Sources
a. Type of the Data
The data of this research are text in the form of film
manuscript and also the motion pictures of Troy.
b. The Data Sources
1. Primary Data Sources.
The primary data source is the film itself, Troy
by David Benioff.
2. Secondary Data Source.
The secondary data sources are the other
literatures which are relevant to the film and to
sociological approach.
4. Data Collecting Method and Technique
In this study, the writer applies library research, release
document to be observed. The techniques are:
a. Watching the film repeatedly.
b. Taking notes of the influence information in both primary
and secondary data.
c. Arranging the data into several groups based on its
d. Selecting particular parts considered important and relevant
for analysis.
e. Drawing conclusion and formulating suggestion.
5. Data Analyzing Technique
In analyzing the data, the writer applies descriptive
approach. The steps taken by the writer in analyzing the data
are as follows: the first step is analyzing the data of this
research. Analyzing the data of this research is trying to clarify
the obtained data by selecting the necessary ones. Second step
is analyzing the data based on sociological approach.
H. Research Paper Organization
The writer uses several steps of his research to make it easier to
understand. Chapter I is introduction which covers background of the
study, literature review, problem statement, limitation of the study,
objective of the study, benefit of the study, research method, and research
paper organization. Chapter II is underlying theory which covers theory
about the rebellion against religious authority, sociology of literature,
major principles of sociology of literature, and structural elements of film.
Chapter III is social background of America under George Walker Bush’s
leadership which covers social aspect, political aspect, economic aspect,
cultural aspect, science and technology, and religious aspect. Chapter IV is
structural analysis. Chapter V is sociological analysis. And chapter VI is
conclusion and suggestion.
Tuesday, 26 April 2011
ANDARI, Fitri Neni (2008)
This research is about the student ability in identifying referents. The objective of this study is to describe the student’s ability in identifying referents used in reading passages at the second year students of MAN KLATEN. The writer uses descriptive method to present the data. The data of this research is in the form of students’ answer. The data is collected by test. The test is used to get the description about students’ ability in identifying referents used in reading passages. The test is in the form of completion test. In analyzing the data, the writer uses numerical devices and category system. The result of this research shows that the students’ ability in identifying referents used in reading passages is 50,47%. This belongs to fair level. The analysis of each pronoun categories are; 56,78 % for personal pronoun, 59,52% for possessive pronoun, 50% for reflexive, 48,21% for relative pronoun, and 47,95% for demonstrative pronoun. All of those percentages refer to fair levels. However, indefinite pronoun belongs to different level that is poor level with the percentage 37,85%. The conclusion that can be drawn from this research is that the ability of the second year students of MAN KLATEN in identifying referent used in reading passages is average to fair.
Background of the Study
Language is an important thing in human life. People can communicate
with others by using language. People can express their emotions, ideas, and,
thoughts by language. They can build relationship among people in the world to
improve all aspects in their lives. Therefore, they need one language as an
international language for communication that is English.
English is the most widely language used in many affairs, such as
business, politics, education, science, and technology. Due to the important role
of English in all affairs, English is taught and learnt in non English speaking
countries, including Indonesia. In Indonesia, English is the first foreign language.
It is taught and learnt not only as one school subject but also as an instrument to
reach a purpose that is gaining Science and technology, which are mostly written
in English
In studying English, we should remember that there are four basic
language skills. There are listening, reading, speaking, and writing. In language
mastery, grammar plays an important role that can not be ignored as grammar
will always exist in the four language skills. In addition, the four language skills
are necessary to be supported by grammatically correctness. Consequently, in
order to be able to produce good four language skills, a learner must have an
adequate grammatical ability.
However, the understanding of English as a foreign language is different
from that of our native language, Indonesian. One of the differences is grammar,
especially in using referent.
Referent is a relationship which is hold, between expression and entities,
properties, or situations in the out side world (Lyon, 1997:168). In English, as in
the other languages, it would be clumsy and boring to repeat the same word or
phrase every time you use it. Instead of repeating the same word or phrase several
times after it has been used, we can usually refer to it rather than repeat it. For
this purpose, we use referent words (King & Stanley, 1983:330).
Based on the reason above, the writer is interested in conducting a
research entitled: A Descriptive Study on the Ability in Identifying Referent
Used in Reading Passages at the Second Year Students of MAN KLATEN.
B. Previous Study
There are some researchers who have conducted the study about student
ability, but with different object. One of them is Slamet Riyadi (2005) who has
conducted the research entitled “An Analysis on the Ability in Using Pronouns at
the Second Year Students of SMK Muhammadiyah I Baturetno Wonogiri”. From
his research, he concludes that the ability of the second year students of SMK
Muhammadiyah I Baturetno Wonogiri in using pronoun belongs to fair category.
Among the seven types of pronouns, only interrogative pronoun is mastered by
the students. All of the students are able to use interrogative pronoun correctly.
The other researcher is Fitrianika Nurul Zurida. Her research is entitled “A
Descriptive Study on the Tenses Mastery of the Second Semester Students of
English Departement of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta in 2005/2006
Academic Year”. Based on the result of her research, the percentage of the
students’ mastery in using tenses is 40.05%. This means that the student mastery
in using tenses is bad.
In this research, the writer would describe the ability in identifying referent
used in reading passages at the second year students of MAN KLATEN.
C. Problem of Study
Based on the background of the study, the problem statement is
“How is the students’ ability in identifying referent used in reading
D. Objective of the Study
Based on the problem of the study above, the objective of the study is to
describe the students’ ability in identifying referent used in reading passages.
E. Limitation of the Study
In conducting this research, the writer needs to limit the scope of study.
This study describes how is the students’ ability in identifying referent used in
reading passages. The writer limits the study on personal, possessive, relative,
reflexive, demonstrative and indefinite pronoun.
F. Benefit of the Study
By doing this research, there are some benefits that can be gained. It has
two major of benefit, namely practical and theoretical benefit.
1. Practical Benefit
This study has some practical benefits. Those practical benefits are the
student will know their ability in identifying referent used in reading
passages, the reader will get more knowledge about pronoun referents and
give useful feedback to English teacher.
2. Theoretical Benefit
This study will enrich the theory of English language teaching
especially in teaching pronoun referents.
G. Research Paper Outline
This research consists of five chapters. The first is introduction, which
consists of the background of study, problem of study, objective of study,
limitation of study, benefit of study, and research paper organization.
The second chapter is the review of related literature, which consists of
reference, referent word, pronoun, and cohesion referent. The third chapter is
research method, which covers the type of the study, object of the study, subject
of the study, method of collecting data and technique of analyzing data. The
fourth chapter consists of research finding and discussion. In this chapter, the
writer presents research finding and discussion of the finding. The fifth chapter
presents conclusion and suggestion. The writer draws the conclusion and
proposes suggestion taken from the result of the research.
The limitation of this study is how the American Dream is reflected in Clint Eastwood Flags of Our Father viewed from sociological perspective. The problem of this study is how American dream is portrayed in Clint Eastwood Flags of our Father. The objective of this study is to analyze the film terms of its structural elements and to analyze the film based on the sociological approach. This study belongs to qualitative method. In this method, there are two types of data source, namely primary and secondary data source. The primary data source is the film it self, meanwhile the secondary data source is any literature related with this study. The researcher collects the data from both, primary and secondary data source in a short of document as evidence. The study uses documentation of descriptive analysis. Based on the analysis the researcher draws some conclusions as follows; first, literary work involves the response of the author toward the social reality where she or he lives in. Clint Eastwood creates a solid relation between himself, as a part of society and the other side Eastwood shows the importance of American dream in the society. Second, Clint Eastwood builds his story in the film by using social reality of American society in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Third, Clint Eastwood criticizes the social condition of American society and shows that illegal possession may result in disaster, great depression, poverty, ethnic, friction, crimes, slum areas, high unemployment, immigrant and population problems are some issues that dominate American life.
A. Background of the Study
The American Dream is a subjective term usually implying a
successful and satisfying life. The “American Dream” can be interpreted
in many ways. It is also different according to each individual. The
“American Dream” has been changed from time to time. The standard of
American Dream usually consist of ideas such as equality, freedom,
individuality, independence, and prosperity. In general, the term can be
called as the pursuit of happiness.
The term was first used by James Truslow Adams in his book The
Epic of America which was written in 1931. He states:
“The American Dream is that dream of a land in which life should be
better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each
according to ability or achievement. It is difficult dream for
European upper classes interpret adequately, and too many of us
ourselves have grown weary and mistrustful of it. It is not a dream of
social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to
attain to the fullest stature of which they are innately capable, and be
recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the fortuitous
circumstances of bird position. “(Truslow, 1931:214 - 215).
The term appears and gets popular in American as the great effect
of war such as Civil War, World War I and World War II. These caused
vast changes in virtually every aspect of American live. Great Depression,
poverty, ethnic, friction, crimes, slum areas, high unemployment,
immigrant and population problems are some issues that dominate
American life in the first half and second half of twentieth century. At the
time American people struggle to survive from the hard condition. The try
to reach a proper life in standard of American life in post war era. The
standard of American life is called the American Dream.
The idea of the American Dream has dominated American
literature since the founding of America. The American Dream is what
American people see as their experience of life and hope to make their
lives better. Many people have their own idea of what the American
Dream is. Also, American writers in the past and present have different
views about the American Dream. There are many books, plays and other
forms of literature which have defined, explored or denounced the
American Dream. Some more well known examples are: Horotio Alger’s
books, Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller and The Rocking Horse
Winner by D.H. Lawrence.
Clint Eastwood as one famous directors in post war era that gives
respect to condition of United States in post war era by directing his
literary work in central theme of American Dream. He was born in San
Francisco, California on May 31, 1930. Flags of Our Father is one his
greatest movie that adopted the theme of American Dream.
Flags of Our Father is a film directed by Clint Eastwood and
written by William Broyles Jr. and Paul Haggis, based on the book by
James Bradley with Ron Powers. This film takes about 02.42.00 duration
It’s the life stories of the six men who raised the flag at the battle of Iwo
Jima which was a turning point of World War II
The film opens with interlocking scenes from past and present,
showing the battle underway and being remembered, with voice over’s
from survivors. All the major themes are being introduced, although
researcher will discover that only later. Then, after a tense prelude at sea,
it focuses on the initial American landing, which was just too quiet; no
Japanese fire was encountered and the troops advanced inland easily.
Suddenly the troops were being ambushed by concealed enemy positions.
There were over 2,000 dead on the first day and the majority of them were
There were five Marines and one Navy Corpsman photographed
raising the U.S. flag on Mt. Suribachi by Joe Rosenthal on February 23,
1945. "Flags of Our Fathers" is the story of three of the six surviving
servicemen, John "Doc" Bradley (Ryan Phillippe), Pvt. Rene Gagnon
(Jesse Bradford), and Pvt. Ira Hayes (Adam Beach), who fought in the
battle to take Iwo Jima. It was one of the most bloody battles of the war
and the picture became one of the most famous pictures of the entire war
and it took another month to take this island. Three of the marines were
killed in action and the other three servicemen were taken out of the battle
and flown home. These men were used to help sell war bonds. It also
shows the effect that the memories of war would have on these veterans
for the rest of their lives.
The marines lost one third of their whole World War II combat
deaths during this battle and almost all of the 22,000 Japanese died, some
by their own hands. The film depicts what the true motive was in bringing
the three remaining servicemen home. The Government was in difficult
situation because they had run out of lenders for the war effort and their
funds were drying up rather quickly. The Rosenthal picture that was taken
on Iwo Jima sparked the public opinion of the war effort and the money
that those men raised turned the financial tide.
Other reasons that make the film interesting are that from the
beginning up to ending, Clint Eastwood illustrates clearly the situation and
the changes of America in post war era in every aspect of American
people such as in social, political, economic, cultural, religious and
science technology aspects.
Based on some consideration above, the writer is interested in
observing his work. Then, the present writer derives the title “THE
B. Literary Review
Although Eastwood is a famous director in post war era, as long as the writer
knows, there are no researches that have been conducted in Surakarta scope to study
the Film. There are some of research paper that used sociological approach as the
method in analyzing the film as follows:
The Influence Of American Society in Kate Chopin’s The Awakening : A
Sociological approach by Daning Zuliani: Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta
(2006). In this research she made conclusions that a literary work involves the
response of the author toward the social reality where she or he lives in. she creates a
solid relation between herself, author’s idea in creating the story is inspired by her
social reality that becomes her pattern that can be used by author in order to make her
ideal society.
The Influence of English Society on Bram Stoker’s Dracula: A Sociological
approach by Andy Sukmawan: Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta (2005). In
this research he made conclusions that sociological analysis show the upper class of
the social structure in English society has dominated and exploited. The classes
bellow them Bram Stoker’s criticism is his rationality to restructure the society and to
build his ideal society.
C. Limitation of the Study
The limitation of this study is how the American Dream is reflected in
Clint Eastwood Flags of Our Father viewed from sociological perspective.
D. Problem of the Study
The problem of the study: How is American Dream portrayed in
Clint Eastwood Flags of our Father?
E. Objectives of the Study
The objectives of the study are:
1. To analyze the film in terms of its structural elements.
2. To analyze the film based on the Sociological approach.
F. Benefit of the Study
The study benefits in two ways: theoretical benefit and practical benefit.
1. Theoretical Benefit
The research is expected to contribute the development of knowledge,
particularly the study in Clint Eastwood Flags of our Father especially about
American Dream in literary work.
2. Practical Benefit
In this research, the researcher wants to give some contribution
development of literary study. In addition, it would help researcher that want
to examine in Clint Eastwood Flags of our Father literary work.
G. Research Method
The research method of this research is broken down into four
aspects: (1) Type of the Research, (2) Type of the Data source, (3)
Technique of the Data Collection, and (4) Technique of the Data Analysis.
1. Type of the Research
The type of this study is qualitative of research because it is
subjective research and trussed at values. It is defined as research
procedure producing the descriptive data in written text or oral from
human and behavior that could be observed. In analyzing data, the
writer applies sociological aspect of American society in post war era
1945 – 1968); which is reflected in Flags of Our Father.
2. Type of the Data and the Data Source
a. Type of the Data
Type of data is document based of the film entitled Flags of Our
Father by Clint Eastwood.
b. Data Source
The data source used in the research can be categorized into
two sources of data. They are primary data and secondary data
1) Primary Data Source
The primary data source is the text Flags of Our Father
by Clint Eastwood.
2) Secondary Data Source
The secondary data source is other source related to the
primary data such as information about the author’s biography,
websites about the film, comments, essay and other sources
that supporting the analysis of the film.
3. Technique of the Data Collection
The technique of collecting data in this study is documentation.
The data from both primary and secondary source are collected and
recorded in a sort of document as evidence. The techniques of
collecting data are:
a. Reading the work several times, until the writer get adequate data.
b. Reading some other resources related to the film.
c. Giving mark to particular part, which are considered important for
the analysis.
d. Taking notes on the important part both primary and secondary
data source.
e. Classifying the data into group or categories.
4. Technique of the Data Analysis
In this research, the technique of data analysis is descriptive
analysis. The researcher tries to describe the structural elements of the
film and sociological analysis. The collected data will be interpreted
and analyzed in detail through sociological approach. In this case is by
showing the American dream in Clint Eastwood Flags of our Father
viewed by sociological approach.
H. Research Paper Organization
In order to make the research paper is easier to follow, the research
paper is organized into six chapters, as followings:
Chapter I is introduction, covering the Background of the study,
the problem of the study, limitation of the study, the benefit of the study,
review of the literary study, research method and thesis organization.
Chapter II covers sociological approach containing notion of
sociology, the aspect of sociological approach, structural analysis, and
theoretical application.
Chapter III includes the social background with the all aspect
reality of the American Society in mid 20th century.
Chapter IV includes the structural analysis of the film describing
characters and characterizations, setting, point of review, plot, theme, and
style of the film and a brief discussion.
Chapter V presents the sociological analysis deal with the
problems of the film.
Chapter VI Closing consists of conclusion and suggestion.
The aims of this research is to describe reading comprehension ability of the second year students of MAN Tempursari Ngawi in 2007/2008 academic year. The main objectives of the study are to know the student’s ability in reading comprehension and to know the most dominant reading skills mastered by the students. The writer uses descriptive quantitative method to present the data. In this research, the writer gets the data by using a test. The test is in the form of multiple choice and essay test. In analyzing the data, the writer uses numerical devices and category system. The result of this research shows that : (a) the students answer 70,4% of literal comprehension questions correctly which belongs to good category, (b)students answer 53,5% of inferential comprehension questions correctly which belongs to fair category, and (c) students answer 54,3% of evaluation questions correctly which belongs to fair category. The total amount of student’s correct answer for reading comprehension is 61 % which belongs to good category. The most dominant reading skill mastered by the students in reading comprehension is literal comprehension. However, even though the result of the test is good but the reading skills mastered by the students is only in literal comprehension. This implies that the students’ skills should be improved because to have a good reading comprehension, they have to master all of those reading skills.
A. Background of the Study
Language is one of the subjects taught at school. People learn many
languages to communicate with people from other countries. It is a vital area
of study for a better understanding of us. Learning language especially English
is a window outside the world. It has an important role in all aspects of human
life such as in science, technology, education and economics. From this
reason, the government of Indonesia decides that English is the first foreign
language to put in the school curriculum. English as a subject matter in school
covers the four basic language skill namely speaking, listening, reading and
Reading, one of the language skills, is a complex language skill. It is
such kind of activity to comprehend the writer's ideas or the way the writer
communicates with the readers by way of the written or printed words (2007.
www.if.ia.org). Reading is important for everybody in order to cope with new
knowledge in the changing world of technological age. The existence of the
importance of reading will hopefully continue to increase in the years to come.
Nevertheless, there are still some people who never have much initial interest
or lasting interest in book and readings, so they cannot access reading
activities and reading programs.
Because mastering reading is important, English teacher should
prepare her or his students to be competent in reading. To do this in teaching
reading, teachers have to be able to make interesting materials for the students
in the process of teaching and they have to know how to apply it. The teacher
should revive the students attention and make them creative and active.
To reach a good achievement in reading comprehension, the students
need more time to practice it. A good achievement in reading helps the
students achieve the ability of other aspects of English language such as good
speaking, enriching students’ vocabulary and ideas. A good reading will
improve the student’s ability in gathering ideas to communicate. However,
sometimes the language learners have difficulties in reading comprehension.
So, they have the same problems in learning English especially in reading
comprehension. The problems may arise from the learners, teacher and the
The problems faced by the students in reading comprehension are
caused by the language, the facilities, and the reading strategies. Learners
problem is usually in mastering vocabularies. English and Indonesian
language are different. There is no guarantee that the students who have good
understanding of Indonesian text will have good understanding of English
text. The other reason is students can not increase their knowledge in reading
comprehension if they have limited facilities. It is also the problem usually
faced by the student, the facilities do not support them to increase their skill in
reading comprehension. The last is the mastery reading strategies. It is an
important aspect which influences the skill of the students in comprehending
the reading text (2008 www.pbs.org). The strategies that should be mastered
are, (1) previewing: reviewing titles, section headings, and photo captions to
get a sense of the structure and content of a reading selection, (2) predicting:
using knowledge of the subject matter to make predictions about content and
vocabulary and check comprehension, (3) skimming and scanning, (4)
guessing from context using prior knowledge of the subject and the ideas in
the text as clues to the meanings of unknown words, instead of stopping to
look them up, (5) paraphrasing: stopping the end of a section to check
comprehension by restating the information and ideas in the text.
Reading strategies are needed to master a variety of skills, which
constitute a key to comprehend the text. Mastering the skill, students will get
many information and ideas which can enrich the student’s vocabulary and
ideas. Barrett’s taxonomy categorizes reading skills into three levels of
comprehension. Barrett’s taxonomy presented in the hierarchy from the least
to the most difficult level of reading. The skills of this reading are, (1) literal
comprehension, it is the ability to read the line to understand the plain sense of
what is stated in the text. Understanding literal meaning is the first step toward
a deeper meaning. (2) inferential comprehension, obliges the readers to read
between the lines, to consider what is implied but not explicitly stated. It
requires the reader to understand the text well enough to work out its
implications and (3) evaluation, this level of comprehension involves reader in
making judgment about the content of a text by comparing it with information
provided by the author on the subject, or with his own experience, knowledge,
or values related to the subject.
Mastering the skills is quite difficult. As a matter of fact the student’s
ability in applying the skills helps them understand the English reading text
easier. Student often get various problems in mastering the skills, just like in
MAN Tempursari Ngawi, in which sometimes the students get difficulty in
understanding the text. However the teacher does not know that the skill is the
source of the student’s problems. To know the student’s problems, in reading
comprehension, the writer uses test as her instrument. So, the student’s
difficulties becomes the reason of the writer’s interests.
Based on the background above, the writer wants to know the student’s
ability in reading comprehension and the problems faced by the second year
students in reading comprehension for the best result of the teaching. Reading
test is used to be a base together with the knowledge about the technique,
theory, and evaluation of the teaching. The result of research can be used as an
input in teaching learning process especially in teaching reading. Therefore the
writer is interested in conducting a research entitled “A Study on Reading
Comprehension ability of the Second Year Students of MAN Tempursari
Ngawi in 2007/2008 Academic Year”.
B. Problem of the Study
Based on the background of the study, the problems can be formulated
as follows:
1. How is reading comprehension ability of the second year students of MAN
Tempursari Ngawi in 2007/2008 Academic Year?
2. What is the most dominant reading skill mastered by the second students
of MAN Tempursari Ngawi in 2007/2008 Academic Year?
C. Objective of the Study
The study is aimed:
1. to describe reading comprehension ability of the second year students of
MAN Tempursari Ngawi in 2007/2008 Academic Year.
2. to describe most dominant reading skill mastered by the second students of
MAN Tempursari Ngawi in 2007/2008 Academic Year.
D. Limitation of the Study
1. The reading comprehension ability is seen from the result of the test.
2. The most dominant reading skill is seen from the test items related to
reading skills.
E. Benefit of the Study
The writer hopes that this research will have some benefits in the study
of English especially in reading skills. There are two kinds of benefits in this
research, those are:
1. Theoretical Benefit
a. The result of the research can be used for those who want to conduct a
research in analyzing teaching English language especially in reading
b. This research will enrich the study on English teaching learning,
especially for teaching reading in senior high school.
2. Practical Benefit
a. This research will give the information about the student’s ability in
reading comprehension.
b. This research will give the information about problem in reading
comprehension so that the teacher in the school can find some
techniques to teach reading.
F. Research Paper Organization
To enable the writer in arranging the research and to make it easy to
understand, the writer divides this research paper into five chapters, they are
as follow:
Chapter I is introduction. It deals with background of the study,
problem of the study, objective of the study, limitation of the study, benefit of
the study, and research paper organization.
Chapter II is review of related literature that consists of previous study;
underlying theory: notion of reading, fluent readers, the reading technique, the
notion of comprehension, factor affecting comprehension skill, reading
comprehension; and theoretical framework.
Chapter III is research method. This chapter consists of research
design; population, sample, sampling; research instrument; validity and
reliability of the instrument, data and methods collecting data; and data analysis.
Chapter IV is research result and discussion. It consists of description
of the data presentation, data analysis and discussion.
Chapter V is the last chapter. It consists of conclusion and suggestion.