Tuesday, 26 April 2011


ANDARI, Fitri Neni (2008)
This research is about the student ability in identifying referents. The objective of this study is to describe the student’s ability in identifying referents used in reading passages at the second year students of MAN KLATEN. The writer uses descriptive method to present the data. The data of this research is in the form of students’ answer. The data is collected by test. The test is used to get the description about students’ ability in identifying referents used in reading passages. The test is in the form of completion test. In analyzing the data, the writer uses numerical devices and category system. The result of this research shows that the students’ ability in identifying referents used in reading passages is 50,47%. This belongs to fair level. The analysis of each pronoun categories are; 56,78 % for personal pronoun, 59,52% for possessive pronoun, 50% for reflexive, 48,21% for relative pronoun, and 47,95% for demonstrative pronoun. All of those percentages refer to fair levels. However, indefinite pronoun belongs to different level that is poor level with the percentage 37,85%. The conclusion that can be drawn from this research is that the ability of the second year students of MAN KLATEN in identifying referent used in reading passages is average to fair.

Background of the Study
Language is an important thing in human life. People can communicate
with others by using language. People can express their emotions, ideas, and,
thoughts by language. They can build relationship among people in the world to
improve all aspects in their lives. Therefore, they need one language as an
international language for communication that is English.
English is the most widely language used in many affairs, such as
business, politics, education, science, and technology. Due to the important role
of English in all affairs, English is taught and learnt in non English speaking
countries, including Indonesia. In Indonesia, English is the first foreign language.
It is taught and learnt not only as one school subject but also as an instrument to
reach a purpose that is gaining Science and technology, which are mostly written
in English
In studying English, we should remember that there are four basic
language skills. There are listening, reading, speaking, and writing. In language
mastery, grammar plays an important role that can not be ignored as grammar
will always exist in the four language skills. In addition, the four language skills
are necessary to be supported by grammatically correctness. Consequently, in
order to be able to produce good four language skills, a learner must have an
adequate grammatical ability.
However, the understanding of English as a foreign language is different
from that of our native language, Indonesian. One of the differences is grammar,
especially in using referent.
Referent is a relationship which is hold, between expression and entities,
properties, or situations in the out side world (Lyon, 1997:168). In English, as in
the other languages, it would be clumsy and boring to repeat the same word or
phrase every time you use it. Instead of repeating the same word or phrase several
times after it has been used, we can usually refer to it rather than repeat it. For
this purpose, we use referent words (King & Stanley, 1983:330).
Based on the reason above, the writer is interested in conducting a
research entitled: A Descriptive Study on the Ability in Identifying Referent
Used in Reading Passages at the Second Year Students of MAN KLATEN.
B. Previous Study
There are some researchers who have conducted the study about student
ability, but with different object. One of them is Slamet Riyadi (2005) who has
conducted the research entitled “An Analysis on the Ability in Using Pronouns at
the Second Year Students of SMK Muhammadiyah I Baturetno Wonogiri”. From
his research, he concludes that the ability of the second year students of SMK
Muhammadiyah I Baturetno Wonogiri in using pronoun belongs to fair category.
Among the seven types of pronouns, only interrogative pronoun is mastered by
the students. All of the students are able to use interrogative pronoun correctly.
The other researcher is Fitrianika Nurul Zurida. Her research is entitled “A
Descriptive Study on the Tenses Mastery of the Second Semester Students of
English Departement of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta in 2005/2006
Academic Year”. Based on the result of her research, the percentage of the
students’ mastery in using tenses is 40.05%. This means that the student mastery
in using tenses is bad.
In this research, the writer would describe the ability in identifying referent
used in reading passages at the second year students of MAN KLATEN.
C. Problem of Study
Based on the background of the study, the problem statement is
“How is the students’ ability in identifying referent used in reading
D. Objective of the Study
Based on the problem of the study above, the objective of the study is to
describe the students’ ability in identifying referent used in reading passages.
E. Limitation of the Study
In conducting this research, the writer needs to limit the scope of study.
This study describes how is the students’ ability in identifying referent used in
reading passages. The writer limits the study on personal, possessive, relative,
reflexive, demonstrative and indefinite pronoun.
F. Benefit of the Study
By doing this research, there are some benefits that can be gained. It has
two major of benefit, namely practical and theoretical benefit.
1. Practical Benefit
This study has some practical benefits. Those practical benefits are the
student will know their ability in identifying referent used in reading
passages, the reader will get more knowledge about pronoun referents and
give useful feedback to English teacher.
2. Theoretical Benefit
This study will enrich the theory of English language teaching
especially in teaching pronoun referents.
G. Research Paper Outline
This research consists of five chapters. The first is introduction, which
consists of the background of study, problem of study, objective of study,
limitation of study, benefit of study, and research paper organization.
The second chapter is the review of related literature, which consists of
reference, referent word, pronoun, and cohesion referent. The third chapter is
research method, which covers the type of the study, object of the study, subject
of the study, method of collecting data and technique of analyzing data. The
fourth chapter consists of research finding and discussion. In this chapter, the
writer presents research finding and discussion of the finding. The fifth chapter
presents conclusion and suggestion. The writer draws the conclusion and
proposes suggestion taken from the result of the research.

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