Abidin, Muh. Zaenal (2008)
The objectives of the study are to classify and describe the varieties of English conditional sentence and to identify and describe the types of translation which are found in the novel The Bridges of Madison County into Jembatan Madison County. The writer takes English conditional sentences and their translations in Indonesia conditional sentences found in the Robert James Waller’s novel The Bridges of Madison County. The data found are 52 containing 32 data of ECS type I. The ECS type I contains 3 patterns: If + Present + Future, 3 data; If + Present + Modals, 5 data; If + Present, 24 data. The ECS type II contains 3 patterns: If + Past + Past, 11 data; If + Past + Past Conditional, 6 data; If + Past Perfect + Past Conditional, 2 data. The ECS type III contains 1 pattern: If + Past Perfect + Past Perfect Conditional, 1 data. The writer also found word-for-word translation, 3 data, literal translation, 49 data. The source of data is all conditional sentences that are used in the novel The Bridges of Madison County and its translation Jembatan Madison County. The results of the research show that there are three structures in English conditional sentence type I, if + Present + Future, if + Present + Modals, if + Present + Present and type II, if + Past + Past, if + Past + Past Conditional, if + Past Perfect + Past Conditional and one structure in English conditional sentence in type III, if + Past Perfect + Past Perfect Conditional. The meanings from the data are seandainya, kalau, jika, bila, and untranslated. There are 2 types of translation of English conditional sentence found in this research, word-for-word translation and free translation.
A. Background of the Study
Language is not only about a means of transferring information and
communicating with other people, but also about main ting and establishing
those relationships, making integration and social adoption and social control,
and expressing oneself. Considering that statement, the language which is
proper and used by more than 75 % people in this world is English, in which a
lot of people speak using that language and in which amount of information
and new technology are written and transferred in English. It shows that
English is a crucial language. Hence, there are still more people who do not
fluent in English, ether active or passive, and it brings some other people to
translate it into other languages, based on the customers or readers in many
Abdellah (2004: 1) states that the proper communication is if the
hearer or reader gets the messages completely same as the speaker or writer
intended in mind. It will be difficult if it is applied on translation, because the
translator should read and understand the writer’s message, afterwards,
transmits it to the audience who may be totally different from the readership
the original writer had in mind. Dealing with translation, it means that how to
transfer the message from Source Language (SL) into Target Language (TL),
which is understanda ble by the Target Reader without ever changing the
original message. Translation is more likely recreation, which delivers the
writer’s though and idea from the SL and the Title. Therefore, the translator
should be able to write, speak, know, and understand enough about the
nuances of other language as fluent as the natives and familiar and master the
sericulture background of both languages. Ramous (2004: 5) say that “ And
the more familiar is the translator with the style of a writer, the better the
trans lation will be”. Therefore, a translator must be able to deliver, transform,
and express the writer’s though and ideas or message from SL into TL
accurately and acceptable.
In Indonesia, the translation it self develops very well. Many books
have already been translated such as poems, prose, novels, and books of selfindent
and self-development. Not only do the translators translate the
technology books, but also literary works. Those translations of technology
books, scientific books, and literary works spread widely and make a
satisfactory progress in translation subject. Those translations of technology
books, scientific books, and literary works prove that translation in Indonesia
is growing increasingly, and hopefully that those will be better and bette r.
Actually, translation is not an easy work it is a very difficult work to
do, especially which deals with the literary translations. It is caused by the
language style and expressions used in those literary translations seem to be
more informal than the scientific or other translation. Moreover, a translator
should still maintain the coverage of the beauty of the words as well as the
original texts in the product of translation. Those all are about how to do with
words from one language into other language without changing the message at
all. Thus, it proves that translation is not at all an easy work, it is rather a
creation and recreation of someone’s though and ideas than translate SL into
TL only. It is more than that and anything else.
Nevertheless, person who could master two or more languages can not
directly being a translator, because the translation needs something more than
the language acquisition, as it doesn’t ensure his success in translation (You,
1994: 2) it can be proved by the following examples taken from The Bridges
of Madison County novel and its translation.
1. If I didn’t fight to control myself with you, I feel like I might lose my
centered never get back.
Kalau aku tidak berjuang untuk mengendalikan diri sendiri saat
bersamamu, aku akan hilang dan tak pernah dapat kembali.
2. If you’re quient and open enough to hear them, they’re out there.
Bila kau diam dan mau membuka hati untuk mendengarkan, kau akan tahu
bahwa mereka ada di sana.
Those two examples above are English Conditional Sentences (ECSs)
and their translations, Indonesian Conditional Sentences (ICSs). However,
those examples are translated in different context and type of conditional
sentence. The reason for those is that they may not be translated literally. In
this case, the conjunction if or the if-clause marks the different type of
conditional sentence. Moreover, the tenses of ECSs are clear enough, but it
will not be so clear when it is translated into the ICS, the product will be
invisible. Those approvals show that translation has some difficulties, which
are complex and complicated, especially to the grammatical structure, the ESC
into the ICS translation.
Conditional sentence itself is a sentence or clause consists of an If-
Clause, named sub clause and the result found in the main clause. Thomson
and Martinet (1995: 197) said that conditional sentence has two parts: the
If-Clause and the main clause. They also stated that Conditional Sentence has
three kinds or type, in which each kind or type contains a different pair of
tenses and some variations also. Those three types of Conditional Sentences
named by Thomson and Martinet (1995: 197-200) as type I is probable or real
condition, type II and III are improbable or unreal condition. Those types of
conditional sentence are categorized into a conditional sentence using if.
Other category of conditional sentence is conditional sentence without
if. This category consists of inversion, an implied or unstated condition, the
use of unless (instead of if … not), even though (instead of even if),
whether… or (instead of if…or), but for (instead of if it weren’t for or if it
hand’t been for), otherwise (instead of if this doesn’t or didn’t happen or
hadn’thappened), suppose or supposing (instead of what if), and a wish (about
future, present, and past).
Considering those explanations and phenomena above, the writer then,
is interested in studying the English Indonesian Translation, especially in the
literary work, that is a novel, and the stress is on the English Conditional
Sentence into Indonesian Conditional Sentence. The writer is interested in
analyzing Conditional Sentence because the writer finds that there are some
types of English Conditional Sentence and wants to know how they will be
translated in the version of Indonesian Conditional Sentence. Therefore, a
Conditional Sentence is an interesting subject to figure out how they will be
translated into Indonesian.
By then, the writer will take the analysis, entitle A TRANSLATION
B. Previous Study
A lot of previous researchers have done some translation studies, but
those don’t close other researchers to make another research on the
translation study. The writer here herself, has an idea to study the translation
work deriver from other researchers, Junaedi and Oktania.
The firs researcher is Junaedi, from Sebelas Maret University, 1997.
His research is about an analysis of English Conditional Sentences, which
are translated from Indonesian novel by Muhtar Lubis Manusia Indonesia,
which based on the Communication Principles. His research draws
conclusions that the message accuracy of English Conditional Sentence is
appropriate, deviate, and inappropriate and the way the language style
determine the translation quality is that language styles provide the media to
the translator in order to preserve the situational context of the source
massage. Appropriate Target Message (TM) takes place when (TM) has the
same situational context with the Source Message (SM). Inappropriate
Target Message occurs when (TM) has the different situational context from
The research above is different from the writer here, because the
source subject novels are different. Dedi Junaedi uses an Indonesian novel as
the source subject and the writer here uses an English novel as the source
subject. This proves that the studies are different.
The second researcher is Oktania, from Muhammadiyah University
of Surakarta, 2004. The result of her research shows that there is three
variations of translation Subjunctive Mood found in the novel For This
Week I Thee Wed , they are Subjunctive Mood that is used to explain the
supposition in present unreal sentence. The second is that the Subjunctive
Mood that uses wish to explain supposition or expectation is derived into
two funs, in the future and in the past. The third is that the past Subjunctive
Mood that is used alter as if or us though. While the accuracy of the
translation is divided into two, they are accurate translation and inaccurate
translation. The last conclusion is that there are only three out of seven types
of translation found in that novel; they are Free, Literal, and Ethnographic
Oktania’s research is also different from the writer here, because
Nuni studies the Subjunctive Mood, whereas the writer here studies the
Conditional Sentence.
The writer has similar source of data that is novel and it analysis the
accurateness of translation by employing the accurateness of translation
theory proposed by Machali.
C. Problem Statement
Based on the research background, the writer formulates the
following problem state ments:
1. What are the variations of English Conditional Sentence (ECS), which
are translated into Indonesian Conditional Sentence (ICS) in the Robert
James Waller The Bridges of Madison County into Jembatan Madison
2. What types of translation are applied in translating the English
Conditional Sentence (ECS) into Indonesian Conditional Sentence
(ICS) in the Robert James Waller The Bridges of Madison County into
Jembatan Madison County?
D. Objective of the Study
The objectives of the study are as follows:
l. To classify and describe the variation of English Conditional Sentence
(ECS), which are translated into Indonesian Conditional Sentence (ICS)
in the Robert James Waller The Bridges of Madison County into Jembatan
Madison County.
2. To identify and describe the types of translations, which are applied in
the translation of English Conditional Sentence (ECS) into Indonesian
Conditional Sentence (ICS) in the Robert James Waller The Bridges of
Madison County into Jembatan Madison County
E. Benefit of the Study
This research has two major benefits, they are: theoretically and
practically. For the theoretically benefit, the writer hopes that result of the
research will have about conditional sentences and the result of this study
can be used as knowledge to improve their ability of-the translation
especially in the conditional sentences.
For practically benefit the researcher able to apply those theories in
conducting the analysis conditional sentences and the result of this study can
be used as a guideline to translate any other translation, which deals with
English conditional sentence.
F. Limitation of the Study
This research studies only the English Conditional Sentences in
the novel of Robert James Waller The Bridges Of Madison County and their
translations (Indonesian Conditional Sentences). Because most of the text
used in the novel of Robert James Waller The Bridges Of Madison County
they were in conditional sentence.
G. Research Paper Organization
The research consists of five chapters.
Chapter I is introduction. This chapter presents background of the
study, previous study, problem statement, objectives of the study, benefits of
the study, limitation of the study, and research paper organization.
Chapter II is underlying theory, which presents notion of translation,
translation process, equivalence in translation, types of translation, accuracy
in translation, definition, and notion of clause and sentence, English
conditional sentence, types of English conditional sentence, Indonesian
conditional sentence, types of Indonesian conditional sentence, and the
similarities and differences between ECS and ICS.
Chapter III is research method. It deals with type of research, object,
data, and data source, method of collecting the data, and method of
analyzing the collected data.
Chapter IV consists of data analysis and discussion
Chapter V consists of conclusion and suggestion.
Thursday, 28 April 2011
Bahasa Inggris
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