Thursday, 28 April 2011



A. Background of the Study
In communication, there are spoken and written languages. While
communicating, people involve two kinds of those languages. In spoken
language, the communication is held orally. In daily life, human being gets used
to find it in television, daily conversation, radio, meeting, and etc. By getting
information from the spoken language, people will understand the message
easier because it is directly. But, it will be so awful if the information that
people got is from the foreign language. Before understanding the information,
people should interpret the meaning first. The interpretation process is a
problem if it can’t be interpreted well in order to get a good understanding.
From television, in some movies, there is subtitling which is made by
subtitler. Subtitling is words that translate what is said in a film/movie into a
different language and appear on the screen at the bottom of the television.
There are some problems which can be faced by the subtitler, such as making
the subtitling readable although the subtitler hasn’t known the background of the
movie itself. From this case, the writer wants to analyze the deletion strategy in
subtitling of a film/ movie.
The understandable and readable subtitling can be achieved by some
strategies that used by the subtitler. The strategies are condensation, expansion,
paraphrase, transcription, imitation, dislocation, transfer, decimation, deletion.
These strategies are used by the subtitler so that it can make people easier to get
the message. So, as an subtitler, it is an important for him to know culture of the
source language, idioms and words expression that usually appears.
In this following example, the subtitler uses deletion strategy to get the
understanding subtitling. Deletion is one of the subtitling strategies which is
used by the subtitler to shorten the source language into the target language, by
deleting some words in the utterance. For the source data the writer chooses The
Lord of the Rings; the Return of the King film. The samples of text deletion are
as follows:
1. Source language: “...Well, let’s just have his head and
be done with it.”
Target language: “…kita penggal saja dan
In this subtitling, the interpreter tries to simplify the words or to make
the source language shorten without changing the meaning. It was done in order
to get a better understanding and to make us easy to get the message from the
author in the film’s manuscript. While, in this case the interpreter deletes some
words, such as: well and his head. Actually, in subtitling it can be baiklah, kita
penggal saja kepalanya dan selesaikan.
2. Source language: “…trees will come back to live here.
Young trees, wild trees.”
Target language: “…pohon-pohon muda liar akan
hidup disini.”
People can see clearly that there are some words lost from source
language but it does not influence the meaning. In this case the interpreter uses
the deletion strategy to make people understand clearly.
Mostly subtitlers use one of those strategies in order to overcome the
problems of interpretation that can be unreadable. The good subtitling can also
influence the succeeded of the film. If the subtitling is accepted by the viewers,
it will make the viewers interest more to the film and can make them comfort in
understanding the film. To show the roles of deletion’s strategy, this research
analyzes The Deleting Strategy in Achieving the Equivalence in Subtitling of the
Lord of the Rings: the Return of the King.
B. Previous Study
To prove the originality of the study, the researcher presents the previous
research. First is Zakiah (2006) with her research entitled “Analysis of Taming
Sarcasm Words in Subtitling Bad Boys Film.” She analyzed the subtitling by
using taming strategy. The research findings are there are some sarcasm words
that changed by the interpreter from the source language into the target
language, and she analyzed those changes. The findings show that the subtitler
used taming strategy in making subtitling, the writer knew the audience’s
acceptability, and the writer knew the reasons of the subtitler used taming
The second analysis of subtitling has ever been conducted by Windarta
(2008) with her research entitled “An Analysis of Condensation Strategy in
Subtitling of Pirates of the Caribbean: the Curse of the Black Pearl Film”. She
describes the form of condensation strategy in subtitling. The research findings
are there are some texts that to be shortened and be changed by the interpreter
from the source language into the target language and she analyzed those
changes. The finding shows that the subtitler used condensation strategy in
making subtitling, the writer knew the reasons of the subtitler used condensation
strategy, knew that there are some condensation sentences which is nonequivalence,
and the writer knew the form of condensation
The similarity between two researches above from the writer’s research
is about subtitling. However, in this research, the writer wants to analyze the
deletion’s strategy in subtitling because there are some different amounts of the
words from source language into target language.
C. Limitation of the Study
There are some strategies in subtitling that the subtitler uses to get a
good understanding of source language. Those strategies are deletion,
expansion, transfer, paraphrase, imitation, dislocation, transcription,
condensation, taming, recognition, and decimation.
In this research, the writer only analyzes the deletion’s strategy that was
used by the subtitler in subtitling of The Lord of the Rings: the Return of the
King film. There are some conversations which had already subtitled into the
short written texts. The writer chooses deletion because of some reason: (1)
deletion’s strategy has not been analyzed by any researcher yet; (2) the
researcher wants to analyze deeply about the subtitling if there is change of
message in interpreting.
D. Problem Statement
Based on the background, identification, and the limitation above, the
writer states the problems as follows:
1. What are the forms of deletion strategy in subtitling of The Lord of the
Rings: the Return of the King?
2. What are the reasons of using deletion strategy in subtitling of The Lord of
the Rings: the Return of the King?
3. Is that the target language in the subtitling equivalence after using deletion?
E. Objective of the Study
In the relation to the above problem statement, the writer formulates the
following research objectives
1. To describe the deletion strategy in subtitling of The Lord of the Rings: the
Return of the King film.
2. To describe the reasons of the subtitler in using deletion’s strategy.
3. To describe whether the target language is equivalent or not.
F. Benefit of the Study
The writer hopes this research has academic and practical benefits.
1. Academic Benefit
a. This research gives contribution in interpreting study especially in
b. This research enriches the theories of subtitling films, especially from
English film into Indonesian subtitle.
2. Practical Benefit
a. The research result gives benefit to film subtitling professionals in order to
improve their subtitles.
b. The result of the research can be used to add the reference for other
researcher in studying subtitle.
G. Research Paper Organization
Chapter I is introduction, it consists of background of the study, previous
study, problem statements, objective of the study, limitation of the study, and
the benefit of the study.
Chapter II is underlying theory. It presents to notion of translation, film
subtitle, subtitling strategies, deletion strategy, the Lord of the Rings; the Return
of the King, readability, and equivalence.
Chapter III is research method. It presents of type of the research, object
of the research, data and source data, method of data collecting, and method of
analyzing the data.
Chapter IV is data analysis and discussion. It discusses analysis of
deletion sentence in subtitling and discussion finding.
Chapter V is closing. It covers conclusion and suggestion. .

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